Attendance Regulations

Class attendance is required. The individual faculty member will clarify on the syllabus the academic performance expectations, which may be affected by attendance. Students whose frequent absence is predictive of unsatisfactory academic performance may be referred to the Counseling Center and/or Retention Specialist.

The student is responsible for arranging makeup work with the instructor. Make-up work is not automatic and the student should give the instructor prior notice of an intended excusable absence. Students who may encounter special circumstances, such as illnesses or family emergencies should contact their instructors as soon as possible. In some cases it may be necessary to contact the Counselor and/or Office of Student Affairs. See Student Handbook.

Students participating in college-sponsored activities are officially absent only based on the schedule of activities. Students are allowed to complete all make-up assignments during official absences immediately before or after an absence, as the instructor requires. The student must initiate completion of delayed assignments.